Build fastest website in style with Finity, a modern Gatsby landing template with 21 pages & 80+ unique components.
Finity is made with high-quality components and 21 pre-made pages. Each element can be modified and changed with only a few clicks.
Create quick beautiful landing pages using ready components
Create quick beautiful landing pages using ready components
Finity comes with lots of features that help you build any kind of website or application with ease.
The easiest and fastest way to create a React app with server-side rendering.
We've crafted all necessary components for you. Just reuse those however you want!
Optimized for a smaller build size, faster dev compilation. Get production ready pages.
We've used the most popular front-end framework Rebuilt for React.
No class component! We used react hook features to craft our components.
Finity has React's new context API for managing application state.
Optimized for a smaller build size, faster dev compilation and dozens of other improvements.
Gatsby JS will serve each file in /pages under a pathname matching the filename.
We divided Finity into components & sections so that you can manage your project easily.
Finity comes with working contact form for both Gatsby and Next JS version.
We value our work and happy to provide our customers with first-class and fast support.
Purchase once and get all the future updates of Finity for lifetime.